Thursday, June 30, 2005


Wendy finished revamping our adoption photo album - the book they give to birthmothers who are interested in finding out about waiting families. It's the impression they get from this album that allows them to find that "link" with just the right family... Our first album was too bland, and it's been more than a year now so we put in more current photos.

I took pictures of the album (odd thing, taking pictures of pictures!)... then converted to Adobe Acrobat files so you can take a look at Wendy's excellent job with the new album! (I spent 6 hours editing photos, and she spent probably 16 hours putting them all together...)

Check out our *new* 2005 Birthmother Photo Album.

Oh, AND, I also built a digital photo album on my site too - built from the many different albums I've been putting up over past months. It's more secure. You have to have the login/password. If you are family, and want to take a look - email me and I'll let ya know what it is. There's hundreds of pictures up - all indexed and paged and everything - and it took like 10 minutes to do (no really, it's magic, when ya know what tools to use... and how to use 'em!)


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