Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Road gap + tree + ground = crash

Wade, Wendy, and I went up to Blackrock tonight. After messing around at stuff at Basic Training (trying out the new angled road drop into jump bowl), we pushed all the way up to top of Mt Brown. Really wanted to see the new "wall ride" that was completed up there a few weeks ago. But something made me think I was ready to try the road gap first.

I wasn't ready.

Too much speed. Elbow glanced off tree next to jump, and that's NO way to start a high speed jump across a road. It started badly and therefore it ended badly with my bike crashing to the ground right after the jump but me flying/flailing through the air over the road attempting not to stiffen up for the impending impact with the ground... My left foot hit first, and I kind of rolled to absorb full impact better. That didn't help a whole lot.

Bruised but not broken.

I can still ride, just can't walk real well (ball of foot is bruised to the bone). Who needs to walk anyway? It'll just be incentive not to get off bike and push up hills - will have to pedal thru!


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