Sunday, May 08, 2005

Shellburg Falls hike on Mother's Day

Hiked to Shellburg Falls on Mother's Day. It's about 30 minutes away from Salem, and makes a great place to walk the dogs and explore. With permission by ODF, we hid our first geocache at a new campground they'd built in 2003. There was an old homestead nearby also and the cache is actually hidden in a depression where the root cellar was. It's by a couple of 500+ year old incense cedar trees, so makes for a great destination. Today we refilled our cache with some "stuff" for people to trade (I also threw in a copy of my freeride DVD!) The dogs sure enjoyed the trek. Lacey almost fell off a cliff over the lower falls - that was scary for a moment. She hasn't learned when we say "NO!" we really do mean it... Anyways, was a good way to spend a few hours. Oh! Shellburg is also where they're building the second ODF sanctioned freeride trails (a few miles North from the falls/campground).

Want to see more pictures from our hike? I published 22 pictures in a "Shellburg Falls Hike" photo album on my server - just click the link.Posted by Hello


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