Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Baby from the sky!

As some of you may know, Wendy and I have been waiting as an adoptive family with Catholic Charities Pregnancy Support & Adoption Services in Portland since February 2004 last year.

Here's a snippet from an email I sent at that time last year:

Feb 19, 2004

Just finished our home study!

We're effectively in the adoption pool now! Agency
could call us any day...

It's less like being "expecting parents" than I
imagined since at any point from now until we are
picked by birthmother we could instantly become
parents - literally OVERNIGHT (or with a couple days).


We're really excited, and glad to be done with all the
administrivia to finally be ready to adopt!

Keep us and all birthmothers in your prayers!

Last night, that very call came! Yes, not the ideal, but we knew going into this that there was a possibility we might need to be ready for "a baby from the sky". Emily with Catholic Charities called us last night to let us know about a birth family that is interested in seeing our photo album and possibly meeting with us... The birth mother had a healthy baby girl on Saturday (7 lbs ? oz). (Lots of other details here about the birth family and baby, but that's just that - details - all that matters is a baby is here and needs a family). They may or may not choose us this afternoon, but if they do... we might be bringing home our baby girl from the hospital tonight!

Please pray for us, the birth family, and especially the brand-new addition to humanity that arrived on Saturday!


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