Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Apple iPhone - hysteria...

Funny video about it (and cool demo of it's features)...

And no, I do NOT want one!  You'll see why at the end of the video.  Besides just like the iPod... there will be MUCH cooler versions coming out in several years.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Yeah, anyways...

You still waiting for an update from me? hmmm... Well, I'm alive. There, that's an update!

Seriously, we've moved up to Hillsboro, and I'm trying to refocus energy on stuff that matters... re-prioritize you might say, and also step away from stuff that has been eating up vast amounts of time. Sorry, BRMBA folks, but Black Rock is being downgraded from top of the stack to... someplace at the back of the line. Sad, I know.

Here's the new list!

#1 Family
#2 Work
#3 "Everything else"

That's the gist anyway.

"Everything else" includes:

Video editing (just got new 3CCD HD 1080i video camera and Vegas 7!)

In the Zone Photography

Westside Trail Federation


Not necessarily in that order, but we'll see...