Monday, March 14, 2005

Canada calling...

The motherland of freeriding is calling to me...

The North Shore and Whistler freeride park up in British Columbia are on my wishlist for vacation destinations this year! "The Shore" is where freeriding was truly born - splitting the mountain biking pack into two distinct groups: cross-country (those who keep their wheels grounded but enjoy epic long trail rides) and "freeride" (technical challenging trail riding - jumps, drops, balancing on logs, etc). There are dozens of freeride trails in the area of Vancouver, B.C. - these are referred to collectively as the North Shore.

Whistler is a ski resort in B.C. that's got the worlds most popular freeride mountain biking park. They realized early that the "offseason" is really the "freeride season", and opened up part of their mountain (and chair lifts!) to the mountain biking throngs.

We've based the trail building spec used at Blackrock trails on Whistler's trail standard.

They've opened up new sections of trail this season that'll triple the amount of trails available! There's a new trail called "Freight Train" that sounds really awesome - it's an expansion of the "A-line" they had last year, but extending from the top of the mountain down to the bottom! It takes about an hour to ride from the top to the bottom. I hear you can get months of experience in with one weekend of riding at Whistler.

There's several groups planning trips up to Canada that I plan to hook up with. Already confirmed one trip over Memorial Day weekend, and there's someone else planning to go up end of June. I'm hoping to get at least 3 trips in up to either Whistler or the 'Shore!

I've already talked to Wendy about these trips, and since her sister is now living in Seattle - it's cool we'll be able to drag her along maybe - there's beginner mountain biking trails at Whistler, but the North Shore trails are pretty advanced so we'll see I guess. At the very least, Wendy could hang out in Seattle with her sister, and I could skip over the border into Canada for freeriding nirvana!


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